
Proposal Submission

  • Cayuse Proposals: Cayuse Proposals is available to Emory investigators for the submission of federal grant proposals. It is important to note that, while Cayuse Proposals is available for more than 97% of federal grant opportunities available in, there may be a few programs for which Cayuse Proposals cannot be used.

  • EPEX: Emory Proposal Express (EPEX) - The purpose of EPEX is to assist in electronic routing, proposal development and institutional approval related to extramural funding at Emory.

  • Designed as a unified storefront for submission of grant proposals to federal grant-making agencies, is the portal through which federal proposals, submitted primarily via Cayuse Proposals, are routed to a specific federal agency. In some very rare cases, proposals may be developed and submitted using Workspace.

  • Proposal Central: A website shared by a number of non-profit, foundation and private grant-making organizations that provides a repository of grant opportunities along with a system for proposal development/submission and award management.

Award Tracking Systems

  • Contract Tracking System: eCTS (Electronic Contract Tracking System) is an electronic contract management and tracking system that provides the status of all incoming agreements handled by the OSP Contracts unit. It is available to all Emory faculty and staff.

  • Grant Tracking System: eGTS (Electronic Grant Tracking System) is an electronic grants management and tracking system that provides the status of incoming agreements handled by the OSP Grants unit. It is available to all Emory faculty and staff.

Award Management System

  • Compass: Emory's financial management system. Access the system at the Emory Compass Login. Learn more about Compass using our online reference manual.
  • Sub Request Pages (part of the Compass system): All Sponsored Contracts/Award received by investigators at Emory and which require Emory to engage in a collaborative relationship with a third party (often another university) in support of the Emory's Sponsored Research must have a sub-agreement document prepared to formalize the contractual relationship between Emory and the third party. The Sub Request page can be accessed along the following path: Grants > Subrecipients > Subcontract Entry.
  • Grant Forms (part of the Compass system): Grant Forms serve as the formal system through which institutional prior approval and other award management related requests can be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) or Research Grants and Contracts (RGC) to support certain changes which may occur in throughout the grant lifecycle. The Grant Form page can be accessed along the following path: Emory Custom > Grants > Grant Forms. 

Other Systems

Effort Reporting System: For tracking and certifying effort, Emory uses a web-based system called ERS. Effort certification forms are reviewed and certified within ERS and reporting is then available from the system.